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there is no such thing as an "Inuit tribe" Inuit it is the native name for "Eskimo" which is not used any more, for the same reason that we do not call Native Americans or Native Canadians "Indians" these words are considered a slur on these very proud people. It has the same connotation as calling an African-Canadian or African -American a "Negro"

There are thousands of Inuit people living and working in North America.

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igloos are not used just by inuits (or eskimos) they are used by many different people and tribes

What jobs do Inuits do?

Inuits don't have jobs like me and you, they farm for a living, and hunt many sea and land mammals for food and clothing

Do Inuits have jobs?

Inuits don't have jobs like me and you, they farm for a living, and hunt many sea and land mammals for food and clothing

What jobs do Inuits have?

Inuits don't have jobs like me and you, they farm for a living, and hunt many sea and land mammals for food and clothing

What was the Inuits region?

The Inuits region is Canada, Alaska, and the Artic

What was important for the Inuits?

Animals were are very important to Inuits because they used it for food, clothing and many other various objects. there's a lot more that is important.

What did the Inuits create?

The Inuits created many thing to adapt to the extreme climate conditons around them. They use their essential skills of hunnting and trapping as a way of survival.

Where the Inuits lived?

The Inuits live in Alaska, Canada, and Greenland.

What did the Inuits use?

The Inuits use Inuit medicine. This is reatrted