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Q: How many Inuits are there left in the world?
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Did the Inuits have many resources?

Yes, the Inuits have many resources all around them.

How might tourism help greenlands Inuits?

Tourism can help the Inuits by keeping them in touch with the outside world

Did the Inuits leave behind any artifacts?

Yes they left ************************ behind get it

Why did the inuit come to the new world?

why did the inuits come to the new world

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Are igloos used just by Inuits?

igloos are not used just by inuits (or eskimos) they are used by many different people and tribes

What jobs do Inuits do?

Inuits don't have jobs like me and you, they farm for a living, and hunt many sea and land mammals for food and clothing

What jobs do Inuits have?

Inuits don't have jobs like me and you, they farm for a living, and hunt many sea and land mammals for food and clothing

Do Inuits have jobs?

Inuits don't have jobs like me and you, they farm for a living, and hunt many sea and land mammals for food and clothing

What was the Inuits region?

The Inuits region is Canada, Alaska, and the Artic

How many gibbons are left in the world?

There are 110 left in the world

What was important for the Inuits?

Animals were are very important to Inuits because they used it for food, clothing and many other various objects. there's a lot more that is important.