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Between 3,000 and 4,000 people died at Breendonk Concentration Camp during the Holocaust.

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Q: How many Jews died in Breendonk Concentration Camp?
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How did concentration camp affect Jews?

Generally speaking, they died.

How many people died in 1933 in the concentration camp Dachau?

It was actually Dachau Concentration Camp, and a total of 31,951 deaths. 25,334 of them Jews.

How many people survived in the concentration camp janowska?

6,000 People including Jews and people of other races were killed in the Janowska Concentration Camp.

How many Jewish people died in Auschwitz concentration camp?

About 965,000 Jews were murdered at Auschwitz.

How many people died in the Sered concentration camp during the Holocaust?

About 13,500 Jews died, however, they did not die IN the camp, they died after being moved to the Theresienstadt camp. See the related links for further reading.

What camp did anne frank die in?

Bergen belsen concentration camp... Very sad that the Jews went through so much .. But look at them now! anyway she died in Bergen Belsen concentration camp .... Hope I helped

What is aConcentration camp?

A concentration camp is a camp where the Jewish people were sent to when they were called. The camp had very bad conditions and as Jews were considered outlaws they were treated badly. Over 1000 people died in concentration camps all over Europe. People were even gassed to death at concentration generically a concentration camp was like a prison

What did Germany do during the holocaust?

They captured Jews and sent all of them to concentration camps, where the Jews eventually died. Only a few Jews out of every camp actually survived. In the concentration camps, they Jews were burned, starved, raped, stabbed, and tortured.

How many people died in the captivity of the Belzec Concentration Camp?

525,000 people died in Belzec Concentration Camp.

How many Jews survived Buchenwald Concentration Camp?

Contrary to a widespread misconception, Dachau was not an extermination camp ..."Over its twelve years as a concentration camp, the Dachau administration recorded the intake of 206,206 prisoners and 31,951 deaths. Crematoria were constructed to dispose of the deceased" (Source: Wikipedia article on Dachau, accessed on 9 November 2010).Most of the Jews who were killed at Dachau were sent there as political prisoners and not primarily because they were Jews.

How many Jews were in Warsaw concentration camp?

When it was founded in 1940, 400,000 Jews were herded into the cramped ghetto. About 100,000 died in the ghetto from disease or starvation; many more were shipped off to various concentration and death camps.

What was Theresienstadt Concentration Camp?

It was a concentration camp in what is now the Czech Republic. Another name for it is Terezin. About 33,000 died in the camp.