

How many Jews starved to death at concentration camps?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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not many, as they caught diseases brought about by malnutrition first.

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Q: How many Jews starved to death at concentration camps?
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What methods were used to calm Jews as they entered the concentration camps?

Sometimes Jews were drugged or starved on the journey to the concentration camps. Also, they might have entered the camps at night, when they could not see the condition of the camps.

Why were the Jews in the concentration camps not the death camps?

They were in both..

Did the concentration camp become death camps for the Jews?

The majority of the concentration camps established by the Nazis were designed and constructed to operate as efficient factories for the mass production of death. Those taken there, predominantly Jews, were enslaved, degraded, humiliated, starved, mutilated, tortured, violated, and killed. Millions arrived. Few departed.

What happended to Jews in Germany after Hitler came to power?

Six million were murdered in gas chambers, worked to death, and starved in concentration camps.

Where did Hitler kill the most jews?

mainly, he killed them in concentration camps, and ghettos, where in the ghettos, they got very sick, hungry,and starved to death. in the concentration camps, the soldiers there and guards there, worked, tortured and beat them to death.

What did Germany do during the holocaust?

They captured Jews and sent all of them to concentration camps, where the Jews eventually died. Only a few Jews out of every camp actually survived. In the concentration camps, they Jews were burned, starved, raped, stabbed, and tortured.

How big were the furnaces that were used to kill Jews?

During ww2 most Jews killed in concentration camps were worked to death, executed, starved, gassed, or died by sickness. Their bodies were later burned or burried.

Which were facilities built by the Nazis to imprision Jews?

Concentration camps, Extermination camps and Death camps

Did the Jews know were they where going in 1941?

No. Most Jews were unaware of the existence and purpose of the Concentration Camps and the Death Camps.

What restrictions did the Nazis place on Jews?

Concentration camps. Worked all day everyday and starved to death for most people some were burnt ovens ____ Please see the related question.

Where were Jews forced to live in German controlled countries?

ghettos, concentration camps, and death camps

What was done to jews at concentration camps?

They were starved, abused, and put in death camps in which they put them in gas chambers and when I said abused I meant they ripped parts off and did things that the SPCA wouldn't let the animals treated that way. Trust me.