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Many estimates give a figure of about 140,000 or so.

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Q: How many Jews were there in Berlin when the Nazis came to power?
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What place in Germany had the most Jews when the Nazis came to power?

Berlin, which had an estimated 140,000 Jews at the time. That was roughly a quarter of all German Jews.

Was the Nazi or German trying to take over Jews?

The Nazis were German it was a political party, they were responsible when they came to power for the holocaust

Why were rights taken away from the Jews in 1918?

In 1918 - none. The year you are probably looking for is 1933, when the Nazis came to power. Please see the related question (link below). The Nazis loathed the Jews and wanted to exclude them from society.

Did Germany get a decrease in Jews after the Nazi Olympics?

Jews began leaving Nazi Germany soon after the Nazis came to power in 1933 - three years before the 1936 Olympics.

Who orderered the Nazis to capture the Jews?

they came up with the idea themselves.

Did Jews outside Germany know about the Nazis and Hitler before Hitler came to power?

Hitler never made a secret of his sentiments towards the Jews and had told every one what he thought before he attained power. It must however be kept in mind that he did not gain power as a result of popular approval but as a result of political intrigue. ___ However: * In the general election in November 1932 (the last free elections before the Nazis came to power) the Nazis won 34% of the vote, making them the biggest party in the Reichstag. * The Nazis did not campaign on a progamme of genocide. The extent to which Jews outside Germany followed events there varied enormously.

What was Jewish life and culture like in Berlin prior the Nazi invasion?

Jewish life in pre Nazi Germany was fairly easy. Although Jews were persecuted for so many centuries back then and even now, they made a living in every country they settled in. They made good money, started families, etc. Then after Hitler came along, life for Jews just took a whole new turn.

How did education change for anne frank and other children after the nazis came to power?

The Jews and non-Jews split up into two different schools, giving the non-Jews a better education with a lot more options for jobs in their future.

What country did Hitler came to power?


When did the persecution of the Jews by Hitler start?

The Nazis came to power on 30 January 1933. On 1 April 1933 Jewish businesses in Berlin were boycotted and in the following few days Jews were banned from employment in the public sector at all levels from central government to local authority level. Most Jewish students were expelled from colleges and universities. Before 1 April 1933 there were some cases of Jews being beaten up in the street with impunity by Nazi stormtroopers.

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What was traditional hatred for Jews in Germany?

Antisemitism in Germany before the Nazis came to power (1933) was no greater than in most other European countries. The German Jews did not feel particularly threatened, and Jewish organizations did not see Germany as a risky country for Jews to live in.