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It is unsure to know the exact amount for sure. Many of the inmates that are or were in a "gang" or "klan" such as this would be sectioned off from certain others in the prison. Also, it is common that while some may boast about their allegiance to the gang, others might have sworn a secrecy pact or may even be too ashamed or rather embarrassed to make it known of their past actions.


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Q: How many Klu Klux Klan members at Louisiana State Prison?
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Why did so few ku klux klan members serve time in prison?

becaus they got caught killin African Americans. that's murder you idiots!

How many person were in the Ku Klux Klan?

The First Klan had about 550,000 members during its years of operation. More than 4 million people were members of the 2nd Klan, which ended in 1946. The 3rd Klan began in 1946 and has about 10,000 members according to estimates.

What groups was prominent in Louisiana after the civial war?

The Ku Klux Klan had a very large prescence in Louisiana after the Civil War.

Where is the ku klux klan well known?

southern states, Michigan and Louisiana

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The Klan was never nice to its opponents. However, it was nice to its own members.

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The Klan attracted, Whites, Protestants, Democrats, racists, and strong supporters of National Prohibition.

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When was the ku klux klan originated?

The Ku Klux Klan originated in 1865 in Tennessee after the Civil War ended. Most of the Klan members consisted of former confederate soldiers.

Are there KKK members in New York?

Yes, the Klan is in all 50 states. See for links to Klan sites.

Why did the laws to control ku klux klan have little effect?

Because some ku klux klan "kkk" members were cops