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Native Americans killed in service for the United States and killed defending their Indian country is listed below in rough estimated numbers. A likely total of 100,000-500,000 Native Americans in the U.S. have died since 1776. The high end would be around a million. Native Americans are the have the highest mortality rate of any U.S. minority because of U.S. action and policy.

Indians Conflicts & Removals 1776-1973

(1973) Wounded Knee II - 2

(1890) Wounded Knee - 178

(1864) Sand Creek Massacre - 200

(1862) Dakota War of 1862 - 38 prisoners executed

(1876) Battle of Little Big Horn - 136 (high estimate)

(1838) Cherokee Removal - 4,000

(1817-58) Seminole Wars I,II, & III - 1475 (likely high as 10,000)

(1831) Choctaw Removal - 2,500

(1812) Red Stick War of the Muscogee or Creek- 3,000

(1791) Battle of the Wabash - 21

(1830) Indian Removal Act

[Original answer truncated as it contained no useful data]


Two studies have been conducted that attempt to number the natives killed by the United States. The first of these was sponsored by the United States government, and while official does not stand up to scrutiny and is therefore discounted (generally); this estimate shows between 1 million to 4 millionkilled. The second study was not sponsored by the US Government but was done from independent researchers. This study estimated populations and population reductions using later census data. Two figures are given, both low and high, at: between 10 millionand 114 million Indians as a direct result of US actions. Please note that Nazi Holocaust estimates are between 6 and 11 million; thereby making the Nazi Holocaust the 2nd largest mass murder of a class of people in history.


American Holocaust: D. Stannard (Oxford Press, 1992) - "over 100 million killed" "[Christopher] Columbus personally murdered half a million Natives"

God, Greed and Genocide: The Holocaust Through the Centuries: Grenke (New Academia Publishing 2006)

Holocaust: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies: Cesarani, (Routledge 2004)

Thousands even as me being half native they mostly killed us because they owed us land and did't want to give it to us so they gave us beer even though they owe us millions in land .My great grand parents had to hide out from the government they had to move place to place they never got an education and they were on warfare because the government used them.

Thanks to the Indian Removal Act of 1830, it was illegal for Indians to live in Georgia. They could travel through Georgia, with proper papers. This law was not repealed until March, 1980.

Officially not 'many' in Indian Wars, but murdering Red Indians was daily practice for white Colonists. And this genocide was happily tolerated by American Government and US Army

almost 20 million Red Indians died, say 10 per day , which should be general American knowledge.

By far the biggest killers though were smallpox, measles, influenza, whooping cough, diphtheria, typhus, Bubonic Plague, cholera, and scarlet fever. All imported by the Europeans

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Impossible to say. Such statistics were not recorded

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As many as 90%. Many died from diseases they had never encountered before.

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Q: How many Native Americans were killed by the US government?
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How many Indians were killed in the old west?

Not many, when you compare that number to the number of Native- Americans killed.

What did europeans do to make Native Americans become extinct?

Many thousands of Native Americans were killed by diseases such as smallpox that was spread to them, intentionally and unintentionally, by white settlers.

How does prospecting of gold and silver affect the plains native Americans?

It made no real change to them at all. It is sad to say that they (Native Americans) were always pushed off their lands, killed, or just robbed of anything of value that the American Government or its people wanted.

Was Juan Ponce De Leon bad?

he was a bad man he did all of these things: · Did bad things just like Columbus · Removed from governor from extreme brutality · Thought all Indians were bad people · Killed or enslaved every Native American in his way. · Killed many Muslims. · Killed 200 Native Americans. · Killed governor before him · Was racist · Made slaves of random native Americans I he didn't kill them · Killed native Americans as a game · Falsely labeled for discovering Puerto Rico

Why did native Americans move west?

Native Americans either moved west or were put in removal camps or shot and killed. Many people in removal camps died from disease or were shot and the rest eventually moved west. In Addition: The US Government used either military force or treaties for the removal of Native Americans from their lands in the eastern US because white settlers wanted the land. The Native American tribes agreed to the treaties to appease the government in the hopes of retaining some of their land, and to protect themselves from white harassment.

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How many Indians were killed in the old west?

Not many, when you compare that number to the number of Native- Americans killed.

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Christopher Columbus killed many many Native Americans. Europeans also killed many by bringing diseases to america. They (the British and europeans) were sick people, and very greedy, which is why there are very little Native Americans left.

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Disease killed many Native Americans.

What did europeans do to make Native Americans become extinct?

Many thousands of Native Americans were killed by diseases such as smallpox that was spread to them, intentionally and unintentionally, by white settlers.

How does prospecting of gold and silver affect the plains native Americans?

It made no real change to them at all. It is sad to say that they (Native Americans) were always pushed off their lands, killed, or just robbed of anything of value that the American Government or its people wanted.

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many agreements between Native Americans and the federal government fell apart because

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Diseases that were brought to the Americas from Europe. Americans had no immunities from those diseases. What would make a European mildly sick would kill people that had no resistance at all.

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The Native Americans didn't really have a choice. They were forced (most of them). Many were killed when they refused to give up their traditional beliefs.

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killed many native americans