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not many, there were not soldiers in the ghetto, unless they were sent on a task. There were Nazi guards on the gates, so it will be about a gross or two.

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Q: How many Nazi soldiers were assigned to The Warsaw Ghetto?
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Related questions

Were Nazi's killed during Warsaw Ghetto uprising?

Yes, many were.

Who guarded the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto also known as flops?

The Nazis employed some Jewish people to guard others that were confined in the Warsaw ghetto. The Jewish ghetto police, also called flops, were promised better treatment, and promised freedom. The flops were very brutal in some cases exceeding the brutality of the Nazis themselves.

What was the biggest ghetto during the Holocaust?

The Warsaw ghetto was the largest ghetto in Poland. More than 400,000 Jewish people were shoved into 1.3 square miles. It was centered in the Polish capital, located in Nazi occupied Europe.

Who was the man who caused the Warsaw ghetto?

The Warsaw Ghetto was created in September-October 1940 on the orders of Hans Frank, the Nazi governor of Poland and it was sealed off from surrounding areas on 16 October 1940. For more detail, see the link.

Was there resistance in Jewish ghettos in Europe?

Certainly. It depends on the ghetto, but several ghettos, especially the Warsaw Ghetto erupted in violence in response the Nazi deportations to the Concentration Camps. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising, led by Mordecai Anielewicz, took five weeks for the German soldiers to suppress the revolt (which was longer than it took for German soldiers to overrun the entire country of Poland).

How was the Warsaw ghetto used in the Nazi propaganda?

the Nazis created scenes in which they made the Jewish inhabitants play roles and showed them as propaganda films.

What is the causes Warsaw ghetto uprising?

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising took place in April of 1943. It was a riot that broke out when the Nazi's were attempting to load the last of the Jewish communities in Poland onto the train to take them to the concentrations camps. Sadly, the Jewish people lost this resistance.

What were the famous ghettos of World War 2?

warsaw, frankfurt, lublin, lvov, kovno, czeslochowa

What kind of things did they have in a nazi ghetto?

they had fires

What was Warsaw Poland like under nazi rule 1931?

The nazi regime in Germany began in 1933 and the World War II (by German attack on Poland) began in 1939, so it was impossible Warsaw was under nazi rule in 1931. Warsaw was under nazi rule from September 1939 to January 1945.

What resistance did the Germans get in the ghettos?

The Warsaw ghetto uprising in April 1943 is a classic example of Jewish armed resistance to Nazi oppression during the Holocaust. Uprising in larger ghettos such as Warsaw, Bialystok, Grodno, or Minsk also took place. Jews took armed uprising when they got convinced the Germans were in to extinct the Jews.

What is a nazi in World War 2?

Nazi is a type of government (Hitler was a Nazi) and they had their own soldiers (Hitler's soldiers).