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Q: How many Quizno's are there in the United States?
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Are there Quiznos all over the United States?

Quiznos brand, the second-largest submarine sandwich chain in North America, is based in Denver, Colorado. There are currently over 4,000 Quiznos locations across the United States.

How many states were in united staes in1869?

50 states are in the united states

How many states are in the united statse?

there are only 50 states in the United States.

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In the United States there are 6.58% of muslims.

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How many United States does the US have?

The US has 50 united states. The states are united because they work together.Jeffrey: there is 50 states in united state not 50 united state

How many states in united stages?

There are 50 dates in the United States of America

How many states do you have?

There are 50 states in the United States.

How many continental states are in the United States?

Do you mean " How many states are in the Continental United States?" If so, there are 48. The continental United States refers to the states that are connected by borders. Hawaii & Alaska are located away from the other states, therefore they aren't considered to be in the Continental United States.

Home many states are there in the US?

There are 50 states in the United States of America. There are 31 states in the United States of Mexico.

How many states are there in the United States?