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It needs only 1 more electron since it already has 7 valence electrons.

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Beulah Skiles

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2y ago
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Q: How many additional valence electron shells does bromine need to have a full valence shell?
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Why does bromine have higher ionization energy then lead?

Bromine has less valence shells than lead making the distance between its valence electron and its nucleus less than that of lead. This means that there is greater attraction between the nucleus and electron for bromine and it requires a higher ionisation energy to remove its electron.

How many electron shells does bromine have?


What do bromine and chlorine have in common?

The atoms of both elements have seven valence electrons and a strong tendency to abstract, from a less electronegative atom, an electron to complete their valence shells and thereby become an anion.

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Radium has seven electron shells; the valence of radium is 2+.

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Francium has one valence electron, its atomic no is 87 and it belong to Ist group of periodic table.

What is the total of valence electrons of BrO31?

Every oxygen atom has -2 as its oxidation number (and 8 electrons in its valence shells). By balancing the charges, bromine is in +5 state: +6 with six bonds with oxygen and -1 from central charge. After counting the electron that is not involved above--bromine has 14 electrons in its valence shell.

Why are fluorine chlorine bromine and iodine placed in the same group?

Fluorine, chlorine bromine and iodine have seven electrons in their valence shells, and they all need one electron to have stabilized electron configuration. Therefore they are grouped in Group 17 (halogen group) of periodic table.

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Period number = no. of electron shells. Therefore neon has two shells.

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Electron shells

How many electron levels does sodium 23 have?

1 valence electrons 2 full outer shells (electron levels) 3 outer shells (electron levels)

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What is the number of of electron shells in CALCIUM?

4 electron shells; 2 electrons in first, 8 in second, 8 in third and 2 in valence shell.