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It varies depending on the persons tolerance and body mass.

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Q: How many alcoholic drinks does it take before you are inpared?
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For most people how many alcoholic drinks does it take before judgment and reaction time are and Impaired?


How many alcoholic drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction?

One drink is all it takes.

How many drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction time are impaired?

One alcoholic drink will start to impair judgment and reasoning.

What does too many mean?

to drink quite a large number of, or too many, alcoholic drinks: By the look of her, she'd had a few even before she arrived at the party.

How many percent of alcoholic in the strongest alcoholic drinks?

The highest proof alcohol is about 180 proof or 90% alcohol.

How many alcoholic drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction time are impaired on a boat?

The body can typically process about one alcoholic drink an hour. Anything over that will likely impair judgment.

Why was there so many alcoholic drinks in the civil war?

So that the men can be brave enought to fight the battles, which, in that case helped them go back out to fight.

What does few too many mean?

to drink quite a large number of, or too many, alcoholic drinks: By the look of her, she'd had a few even before she arrived at the party.

How many alcohol drinks does it take before judgment and physical reaction time are impaired?

One alcoholic drink will start to impair judgment and reasoning.

How many alcoholic drinks begin with the letter k?

· Kahlua · Kentucky Bourbon

How many alcoholic drinks does of take for judgment and physical reaction are impaired?


Is an alcoholic drink a mixture?

There are many types of alcoholic drinks and some are indeed considered to be a mixture. This depends on what type of drink one is referring to.