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Q: How many alleles are most commonly found in genes?
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What three ways are human traits controlled?

Single genes with two alleles, single genes with multiple alleles, and many genes that act together

What is the possibility of one of many different genes on a chromosomes?

multiple alleles

What are non-mendelian trait?

Non-Mendelian traits are:A trait with no clearly dominant alleleA trait with four allelesA trait controlled by many genes

How common is genetic variation in nature?

we know now that many genes have at least two forms, or alleles.

About how many genes do horses have?

An individual Thoroughbred cannot have more than two different alleles for each gene locus, one on each chromosome. How many alleles are available at a certain gene locus is variable based on what the gene controls and how many alleles are available and their frequency in the population.

Why some chromosomes are recessive and the others are domainent?

Actually a chromosome consists of many genes/alleles and is neither recessive or dominant in and of itself.

Why does the y chromosome not carry any alleles?

The Y chromosome is smaller than the X chromosome and contains fewer genes. It carries the genes necessary for determining male sex and some other genes, but it lacks many of the genes present on the X chromosome. This is why the Y chromosome does not carry any alleles in the same way that the X chromosome does.

A species that has a high number of alleles for many genes that are distributed throughout the population is said to have?

A high genetic variability

How many alleles are found in the gamete cell?


How are alleles and genotypes related?

DNA is composed of long strings of nucleic acid sequences, but not all of them code for proteins. The ones that do are called genes. Alleles are different versions of a certain gene. For example, the gene that codes for blood type has 3 different alleles, A, B, and O. The genes that code for hair and eye color also have many different alleles.

How many alleles are found in every cell's nucleus?


How does the work of Gregor Mendel explain the rules of Heredity?

It explains the simplest form of genetic inheritance involving traits controlled by single genes having only dominant and recessive alleles. It does not directly explain genetic inheritance involving more complex traits (e.g. multiple interacting genes, genes having many different alleles, gene suppression).