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Al(NO3)3 > 1

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There are 1 aluminum atom in the formula for aluminum nitrate, which is Al(NO3)3.

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Q: How many aluminum atoms are there in the formula for aluminum nitrate?
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How many oxygen atoms are there in the formula for aluminum nitrate?

There are three oxygen atoms in the formula for aluminum nitrate, which is Al(NO3)3.

How many atoms are present in aluminum nitrate?

There are a total of 17 atoms in aluminum nitrate: 1 aluminum atom (Al), 3 nitrogen atoms (N), and 9 oxygen atoms (O) in the compound Al(NO3)3.

How many oxygen atoms are there in aluminium nitrate?

The formula unit for aluminum nitrate has the formula Al(NO3)3. Subscripts within parentheses are multiplied by the subscript after the parentheses. Therefore, this formula unit contains nine oxygen atoms, three nitrogen atoms, and one aluminum atom for a total of 13 atoms.

What is the formula for a compound containing aluminum atoms and also three times as many chlorine atoms as there are aluminum atoms?

The formula for the compound would be AlCl3. This means that there is one aluminum atom for every three chlorine atoms in the compound.

How many oxygen atoms are ther in the formula for aluminium nitrate?

There are 3 different elements in Aluminium nitrate Al(NO3)3. Aluminum is Al+3 and Nitrate is NO3- and nitrate contains 1 mole of nitrogen and 3 moles of oxygen, which oxygen has a molar mass of 16.0 g/mol, and nitrogen has 14.0 g/mol. Aluminum has 27.9 g/mol.

How many atoms are present in the formula of ammoium nitrate?

The formula for ammonium nitrate is NH4NO3. This formula contains a total of 14 atoms: 2 nitrogen atoms, 5 hydrogen atoms, and 3 oxygen atoms.

How many oygen atoms are present in a formula unit of barium nitrate?

The chemical formula of barium nitrate is Ba(NO3)2; barium nitrate has six oxygen atoms in the molecule.

How many atoms of aluminum sulfur and oxygen are in 3 molecules of aluminum sulfate?

1 formula unit of aluminum sulfate has the formula Al2(SO4)3. So there are 2 atoms of aluminum, 3 atoms of sulfur and 12 atoms of oxygen in 1 formula unit of aluminum sulfate. There are no molecules of aluminum sulfate. They are called formula units.

How many atoms are there in one molecule of Cr(NO3)3?

There are 10 atoms in one molecule of Cr(NO3)3: one chromium (Cr) atom, three nitrogen (N) atoms, and six oxygen (O) atoms.

How many atoms are in 2 KNO3?

The number of atoms in two formula units of potassium nitrate is 10.

How many atoms in Ca(NO)2?

Calcium nitrate has 9 atoms.

How many atoms are in four molecules of potassium nitrate?

The chemical formula for potassium nitrate is KNO3, which means that one molecule contains five atoms. Therefore, four molecules of potassium nitrate would contain 20 atoms.