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Q: How many animals have gone extinct because people wanted their fur?
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i think its just because they were over-hunted, because they were dangerous and people wanted their fur, and they weren't really conscious of the fact that it might become extinct.

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animals are dissected because people wanted to learn more about the inside of an animal.

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Because he wanted people to answer with because he wanted people to answer with because he wanted people to answer with because he wanted people to answer with because he wanted people to answer with because he wanted people to answer with because he wanted people to answer with because he wanted people to answer with because he wanted people to answer with because he wanted people to answer with because he wanted people to answer with this answer.

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People in Ancient Greece sacrificed animals to Zeus because they wanted to favor the gods so the gods would favor them

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Yes they used to hunt animals like wild pigs, but not because they wanted to but they had to for food.

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Because Hitler did not like the Jews, so he wanted them extinct.

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well adaptation for animals in Egypt are different. mostly there are camals there that the people ride. for example lets say you wanted to know about he adaptation for a polar bear. thats easy because polar bears adapt to cold weather because without the cold weather they would be extinct. in Egypt its hot there that means the animals adapt to hot weather that were there use to be. Sentences Polar bears and other animals adapt to different climates that they should be in. some animals have different adaption in how they go and wha kind of animal it is.

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mammoths are extinct from climate change and hunting. people wanted their bones for things like mammoth bone huts.

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The jellyfish are wanted for money people think animals are perfect but they aren't people use them for money

Why did hobbits become extinct?

Come to be extinct? Technically, The Hobbit was never truly extinct, because otherwise we wouldn't have copies of it today! You might try making your question a bit clearer, if this isn't what you wanted to hear...

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It start because people wanted to have the new fashion and so people thought of the idea to brutally kill animals to have their fur for coats.

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the colonists moved to the back country because the land was more fertile and the forest had animals to prey.