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Q: How many animals is there in total at tropical wings?
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What animals live on tropical islands?

tropical islands have many animals but these are some hermit crabs..any crabs. mammels,fish.birds.turtles.insects and more.

How many animals in tropical rainforest?

No one can tell really

How many animals and plants live in the amazon rainforests?

there are 20,000 animals and plants in the tropical rainforest.

How many pairs of wings do centipedes have?

They have two pairs of wings. So four wings in total. two on each side.

How many eyes and wings did the angels have?

In the Bible, not sure which book, an archangel appears with four wings of different types of animals.

How many species of animals are there in the Philippines?

Hundreds of species!The Philippines is a tropical country with a 'Tropical rainforest climate'.The high temperatures and the continuously high humidity the whole year through, make that there are more than 3500 species of plants and animals!Influence of the tropical climatePlants and animals are adjusted to the tropical climate and specific qualities of the tropical environment.Especially the tropical coral waters and the original tropical rainforests are the places, where hundreds ofbeautiful coloured and sometimes rare animals live.

What is an example of parasitism in tropical?

Leeches suck the blood of many rainforest animals.

Why is the tropical rain forest able to support so many species?

The abundant plant life in tropical rain forests provides habitats for many species of animals.

How many different species of animals are there in a tropical forest?

over 3 million...many are still undiscovered.

Why are tropical forests such rich habitats for many species of animals?

it is mostly the climate?

What are some problems in the tropical rainforest?


Animals of the tropical rainforest?

There are bobcats leopard snakes monkeys bat and many more