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Q: How many ant's and termites does a pangolin eat in a day?
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How many ants can a giant anteater eat in a day?

up to 30 000 termites and ants per day!

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Echidnas eat between three and four thousand termites or ants a day.

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Do numbats mostly eat termites?

Yes. Numbats feed almost exclusively on termites, although they will sometimes also eat ants whilst foraging for termites. A single numbat might consume up to 20,000 termites in a day.

What is the habitat of anteaters?

It is a solitary animal, found in many habitats, including grasslands, deciduous forests and rainforests. It feeds mainly on ants and termites, sometimes up to 30,000 insects in a single day.

How many ants could a anteater eat in a day?

35,000 ants a day

How many hours a day can termites work?

Termites work 24 hours (around the clock)

Why does flying ants go near light bulbs?

They are attracted to light. So are termites when they swarm. Indoors, they will invariably go for the windows during the day.

What is the name for animal that eat termites?

The numbat of Western Australia eats termites.Numbats feed almost exclusively on termites, although they will sometimes eat other types of ants. They have sharp claws for digging into termite mounds, although they prefer to dig out termites from under logs and underground, being able to detect them with their very sensitive noses. They have a sticky tongue for collecting the termites. A numbat eats as much as 20,000 termites a day.

Do numbats eat meat?

Not exactly. Numbats are insectivorous and feed almost exclusively on termites, although they will sometimes eat other types of ants. They have sharp claws for digging into termite mounds, although they prefer to dig out termites from under logs and underground, being able to detect them with their very sensitive noses. They have a sticky tongue for collecting the termites. A numbat eats as much as 20,000 termites a day.

How many ants to they eat in a day?

As many as 30,000 a day!

What are the numbat's eating habits?

Numbats feed almost exclusively on termites, although they will sometimes eat other types of ants. They have sharp claws for digging into termite mounds, although they prefer to dig out termites from under logs and underground, being able to detect them with their very sensitive noses. They have a sticky tongue for collecting the termites. A numbat eats as much as 20,000 termites a day.