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Q: How many anteaters are in the wild?
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How long do anteaters live?

Anteaters live 10 to 15 years in the wild, up to 26 in a zoo.

How old are anteaters?

Anteaters can live up to 10-15 years in the wild and up to 26 years in a zoo.

How many babies can an anteater?

All species of anteater, pygmy, giants, and lesser(tamandua) anteaters all have just one baby at a time though occasionally may have twins. Twins never survive in the wild as the mothers only have room for one baby to ride on their backs. Babies stay with their mothers for about a year, so anteaters can have several babies in a lifetime.

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anteaters,tapirs,peccary,turtles,caimans,monkey,livestock, etc.

How many legs do anteaters have?

Spiny anteaters, more correctly known as echidnas, have four legs.

Are there any stuffed anteaters of the tamandua varriety?

You can get the Plush Anteater 12 Inch Cuddlekin by Wild Republic.

How does giant anteater survive?

Anteaters live 10 to 15 years in the wild, up to 26 in a zoo.

What do anteaters prefer to eat?

Though anteaters, in the wild, mainly eat ants and termites, they will also eat soft-bodied grubs, soft fruits and birds' eggs. Anteaters in zoos will also eat soft fruits, hard-boiled eggs, ground beef and dog kibble. There are several species of anteaters.

How long do Giant anteater live?

Anteaters live 10 to 15 years in the wild, up to 26 in a zoo.

Do snow leopards eat anteaters?

I suspect that snow leopards and anteaters are unlikely to ever meet in the wild. Though, if they did, I suspect the leopard would win, provided the anteater's lethal claws didn't kill or injure the leopard first.

How many ants does a anteater eat?

Anteaters take care of their babies until they are self-effecient, and this is because of the fact that anteaters can not carry their off-spring because of their large foreclaws, therefore having to provide for the baby until it can survive by itself.

How many Giant Anteaters are there left?

about 300 left