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Q: How many areas did francisco pizzaro conquered?
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Who was pizzaro?

Francisco Pizzaro was a Spanish conquistador. Raised in Spain, he was poor. When he heard of Cortes's success in conquering the Aztecs, an older Francisco Pizzaro went and conquered the Incan empire, which is now modern day Peru. He became very rich. He captured the Incan ruler, Atahualpa and demanded ransom for him. The Incans paid it. Pizzaro had superior weapons and the Inca were weakened bu European diseases. Thus, letting Pizzaro conquer them. Later, Pizarro was killed by a rival Spanish faction a few years later after he established the city of Lima.

How many brothers did francisco pizzaro have?

One. Francisco Martín de Alcántara. Pizzaro's mother married late in life and had Alcantara. Who married Inés Muñoz.

The explorer who conquered the incan empire was who?

The explorer who conquered the Inca empire was Franciso Pizarro.

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One. Francisco Martín de Alcántara. Pizzaro's mother married late in life and had Alcantara. Who married Inés Muñoz.

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Nobody has ever conquered the entire Near East, but many have conquered most of it or all civilized areas within it. Please resubmit your question with a date or culture for more information.

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Alexander the Great conquered many areas and he spread Hellenism when he took over their governments.

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He united the Mongol tribes, conquered many lands in Asia, and gained the services of many conquered people.

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Was roman life probably influenced by the cultures of the lands rome conquered?

Thecultureof the conquered land influencedRomethoughfourroutes trade, Romans who lived in the conquered areas, immigration, and art. Rome imported good from alloverthe empire. This brought the Romans in contact with other peoples' objects, artifacts, foods and animals from other cultures and, at least for the well to do, theculturesthemselves. Many Romans went to live in conquered areas, becameaccustomedto and brought informationabouttheir cultures. At one point the majority of the population of Rome was from outside the city. Many were slaves brought there after victoriousbattles.Evenwhen enslavement decreased, there were many people who migrated to Rome. This made Rome amulticulturalcity. The art of theprovincesalso came to influence the art of Rome. TheRomansliked to combine different artistic traditions,.

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Suleiman the Magnificent was the Ottoman leader who was expert in many areas. He conquered eastern Europe. His influence is still felt today.

In how many countries do the checkerspot butterfly live in?

The checkerspot butterfly is only6 found in the United States. This butterfly lives around the areas of San Francisco in California.