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Q: How many arranged marriages are there a year?
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Related questions

Do Hindus have aranged marriages?

Many hindus do have arranged marriages but not all hindus do.

Has arranged marriages increased or decreased in popularity?

Because of the freedom of choie that many cultures now use arranged marriages have decreased in popularity

Should marriages be arranged?

Marriages should be arranged if the two people involved want them to be.

Is forced marriages right?

In many cultures it is very normal and right to have arranged marriages. In the US culture, it is not.

In what cultures is arranged marriages popular?

Arranged marriages were very common throughout the world until the 18th century. In China, arranged marriages sometimes called blind marriages were the norm before the mid 20th century

How do prearranged marriage work?

prearranged marriages are arranged years before the date. prearranged marriages are arranged years before the date. prearranged marriages are arranged years before the date.

Are arranged marriages a solution to present day family instabilities and WHY?

Arranged marriages don't always work.

Do Persians have arranged marriages?


Who can be affected by arranged marriages?

you ;)

What do people think of arranged marriages?

Most are very much against arranged marriages, at least in the Western world.

Are hawaiian weddings arranged or not?

Hawaii has so many cultures living there, so I'm sure that there are some arranged marriages.

What religions engage the most in arranged marriages?

The Hebrews were very into arranged marriage but I don't know of any MODERN religions that are into arranged marriages. They silly if you ask me...