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Q: How many astronauts are there that have been in space?
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How many astronauts have been in the International Space Station?

The astronauts have been aboarding it since 1998.

Has there been a space exploration to mars?

No astronauts, but many robots have been there.

How mant astronouts have been to space?

how mant astronauts have been to space

Who has been in space?

Astronauts or, if you're Russian, cosmonauts!

What are some of the biggest mistakes that have been made by astronauts when in space?

Some of the biggest mistakes that have been made by astronauts when in space include the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident in 1986 and the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in 2003.

How many space missions have there been to Astronout?

a lot. There are astronauts in space all time and they exchange routes as they are not allowed to be in space for more than six months

Are astronauts and astronomers the same?

As astronaut travels into outer space and some have been killed doing so. Most astronomers stay on the planet Earth and look up into space. There have been astronauts who are astronomers, but, most astronomers are not astronauts. There have been tens of millions of astronomers looking up at outer space, but, only a few hundred astronauts. No, they are not the same.

How many people who have been to space had mustaches?

All of the male astronauts have had them, although many of those kept them shaved off.

How many astronauts go to space in a year?

I'm a professional but even i don't know how many astronauts go into space a year too many to count

How many astronauts are on the space station?


How many astronauts are landed in space?

None. You cannot land in space.

What is the name of the space sickness that many astronauts get while in space?

Space Adaptation Syndrome