

How many atoms are in one mineral?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: How many atoms are in one mineral?
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What is a non-native element mineral?

something that is not on its own block on the periodic table. The mineral can contain these atoms, but cant be the solid form of just one of them, for example, diamond, which is C only with no other atoms involved

How many atoms are in one sponge?

No one knows how many atoms are in a sponge. There has to be billions of atoms because in one strand of your hair there is about a million atoms.

How many atoms total are in one moleclue?

A molecule is a combination of atoms. To know how many atoms are in one molecule, you have to find out what atoms are in the molecule.

During recystallization the bonds between atoms in a mineral are broken and can join to form a?

They are broken into a new mineral

Can the way the atoms are arranged in a mineral change the color?

Well color is caused by a lot of things, one cause is defects (missing atoms or to many atoms) in the crystal lattice (how the atoms are arranged and connected). Also if an element that is not suppose to be the mineral, makes it way into the crystal it may change the color. So Yes the way the atoms are arranged can change the color. Causes of color is a very complicated question as there are many causes and some are very poorly understood.Answer2 Consider Opal for example, SiO2.nH2O. Has many colours, even without impurities. [perhaps internal interference and refraction in this case?]

Which mineral characteristic is NOT determined by the way the atoms within a mineral are arranged?

color, streak and age

What is the way the atoms or molecules of a mineral come together as the mineral is forming?

They come together as crystals.

What is a mineral repeating pattern of atoms will form?


Each mineral has a unique crystal shape because of the -?

Arangement of it's atoms.

What is a mineral characteristic is NOT determined by the way the atoms within a mineral are arranged?

I would say taste is the only mineral characteristic that can not be related back to the way the atoms are arranged within a mineral. NOTE: I would not recommend tasting a mineral unless you are 90% sure it is halite(aka table salt), as some mineral contain toxic elements.

How many atoms in 1 oxygen atoms?

One! You may mean to ask how many atoms there are in one molecule of oxygen, in which case the answer is two.

How the chemical stability of a mineral is affected by the bonding of the atoms in a mineral?

the chemical stability of minerals is depedent on the strength of the chemical bonds between atoms in the mineral.