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Sulphuric acid, H2SO4, has two atoms of H, hydrogen, one atom of S, sulfur and four atoms of O, oxygen. Total (2 + 1 + 4 =) seven

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Q: How many atoms make up sulphuric acid?
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How many atoms does sulphuric acid contain?

Sulfuric acid is H2SO4 so it has 7.

How many atoms are there in a molecule of a sulphuric acid?

H2SO4 Two atoms of hydrogen. One atom of sulfur. Four atoms of oxygen.

How many atoms of sulfur are in the compound H2SO4?

In one molecule of H2SO4, sulphuric acid, there is one atom of sulphur

What is the concentration of sulphuric acid?

There are many different concentrations of "concentrated sulphuric acid". It is possible to deduce the concentration of the sulphuric acid by titration.

How many atoms are in the compound 2H2SO?

2H2SO does not represent any compound that I recall. The closest match for this that I do recall is Sulphuric Acid with a formula: H2SO4 The total number of atoms in Sulphuric acid is: Hydrogen [2] plus Sulphur [1] plus Oxygen [4] making a total of 7 atoms in all.

How many atoms of hydrogen, sulfur, and oxygen are in one molecule of sulfuric acid?

1 mole of Sulphuric acid has : 12.044 x 1023 atoms of Hydrogen 6.022 x 1023 atoms of Sulphur 24.088 x atoms of oxygen.

In sulfuric acid are there more sulfur atoms than hydrogen atoms?

The empirical formula for sulphuric acid is H2SO4 which would indicate 2 hydrogen atoms for each sulpher atom (and 4 oxygen atoms). So there are twice as many hydrogen atoms as sulpher atoms.

How many different elements make up the compound sulfuric acids?

Three. They are hydrogen, sulphur and oxygen. One molecule of sulphuric acid contains 2 hydrogen(H) atoms, 1 sulphur(S) atom, and 4 oxygen(O) atoms. The formula for sulphuric acid is 'H2SO4'.

What reacts with sulphuric acid?

Sulphuric acid is an acid, so many substances react with it. It will be impractical to list down all the things that would react with sulphuric acid as there are enormously too many! Examples are metals, metal oxides and metal carbonates.

What is an example of a corrosive acid?

Hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, trichloroacetic acid, sulphuric acid, and many, many others.

How many atoms are in sulphuric acid?

Sulfuric acid has the molecular formula of H2SO4 meaning that there are two hydrogen atoms, one sulfur atom, and four oxygen atoms for a total of seven atoms in each molecule of sulfuric acid.

Is sulphuric acid a weak acid?

No it is not, it is a very strong acid and corrodes many susbstances including metals.