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Q: How many atoms of hydrogen would be in 1 molecule of ethanol?
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How many hydrogen atoms are in each molecule of water?

H20, so that would be two hydrogen atoms.

IF a carbohydrate molecule contains six carbon atoms it would also contain six hydrogen atoms?

12 hydrogen atoms

How many atoms are in CH3CH2OH?

There are 8 atoms: 4 Hydrogen (H) 2 Oxygen (O) 2 Carbon (C)

How many hydrogen atoms in 3NH?

Although 3NH is not a normal molecule, if it did exist, it would have 3 atoms of each, nitrogen and hydrogen.

How many oxygen atoms is in carbohydrates?

If a carbohydrate molecule contained 6 carbon atoms, it would also contain 12 hydrogen molecules.

How many hydrogen atoms would it take to make a stable compound with oxygen?

For the water molecule (H2O) two hydrogen atoms are needed.

If a carbohydrate molecule contained 6 carbin atoms it would also contain----------- hydrogen atoms?


How many atoms are in a single molecule?

it can range from 2 to thousands. A molecule is the smallest particle of a compound that contains all the properties of that compound. It can also be the smallest particle of an element if the individual atoms would be otherwise unstable on their own. The smallest molecule is that of gaseous Hydrogen - just two hydrogen atoms joined together. Another simple molecule is that of water - just two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom joined together. A more complex molecule is alcohol (ethanol) - 2 carbon atoms (C), 1 oxygen atom (O) and 6 hydrogen atoms (H) all joined together in this pattern: CH3- CH2-O-H Some molecules, however, especially molecules of protein, have several thousand atoms in them and are far too complex to describe here.

How would you describe the hydrogen molecule?

The hydrogen molecule contains two atoms of hydrogen, joined by a non-polar covalent bond. This completes both hydrogens' 1s suborbital.

What is the smallest number of atoms in one molecule?

the smallest atom is hydrogen, the smallest molecule would be the naturally occurring diatomic hydrogen.

How many atoms of hydrogen are in one molecule of CH3Cl?

i believe just one. H has a oxidation # of 1 and Cl has an oxidation # of -1. So in one molecule of HCl i think there would be just one. Isnt that almost the same thing as hydrochloric acid though??

What molecule contains the smallest number of hydrogen atoms?

I'm not entirely sure if that question can really be answered, since it all depends on context. I would assume that a starch molecule would have the largest number of hydrogen atoms opposed to any other molecule, but if someone were to get picky, DNA would take it hands down.