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82.5 grams O2 (1 mole O2/32 grams)(6.022 X 10^23/1 mole O2)

= 1.55 X 10^24 atoms of O2

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Q: How many atoms of oxygen are there in 82.5g of molecular oxygen?
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How many atoms are in C13H18O2?

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Sucrose = molecular formula C12H22O11 Therefore 11 Oxygen atoms.

How many oxygen atoms are in molecular oxygen?

Most oxygen molecules are composed of two atoms of oxygen, and we frequently refer to oxygen as O2 (or O2) for this reason. Oxygen can also exist as the molecule called ozone, which is O3. Ozone is unstable, and will revert to O2 in a few minutes.

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The molecular formula of pyruvic acid is C3H4O3, which means it has 3 atoms of Carbon, 4 atoms of Hydrogen and 3 atoms of Oxygen. 10 atoms in total.

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The molecular formula for Penicillin G is C16H18N2O4S (Drug Bank). So five molecules would have 20 atoms of oxygen (5 x 4).

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We know from looking at the molecular formula that one mole of molecules of H2SO4 contains 2 moles of atoms of hydrogen, 1 mole of atoms of sulfur and 4 moles of atoms of oxygen.

How many central atoms of O3?

Ozone (O3) has a bent molecular geometry, shaped like this: ^. One of the oxygen atoms is considered to be the central atom, and the other two are considered to be terminal or outer atoms.

How many times larger is the number of hydrogen atoms then oxygen atoms in all carbohydrates?

The number of hydrogen atoms is twice the number of oxygen atoms. Glucose is C6H12O6, so there are 12 hydrogen atoms for every 6 oxygen atoms in a molecule.