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Every attack is cyber terrorism...

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Q: How many attacks have been classified as cyber terrorism?
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Could terrorists destroy the Internet?

The Internet can be thought of as the nervous system of modern civilization.Could the Internet be destroyed by terrorists or other hostile factions?This is an important and justified question, as major Internet attacks have become increasingly common.Some Internet attacks inflict actual physical damage to Internet hardware, but most involve the use of hostile computer code, such as viruses, worms and logic bombs.Physical AttacksNear Santa Cruz, CA in April, 2009, vandals climbed down an unguarded manhole and cut key Internet and phone lines. Much disruption ensued. Nursing home employees were unable to call ambulances, and had to run down to the fire station to get help. Few citizens were able to call the police. Looters took advantage of the situation, knowing police probably wouldn't be notified in time to stop thieving. To allow citizens to flag them down, police started driving slowly up and down the streets. Many stores couldn't make card transactions. Many ATMs couldn't dispense money. Several large stores stopped conducting business during the outage because they needed the Internet in order to function. Much business revenue was lost. Workers earned smaller paychecks.Could such disruption occur on a national or global scale? Could a motivated group paralyze the world's cyber nervous system by physically disabling its Internet hardware?The short answer: it's possible, but quite unlikely. Such an act would require a vast, coordinated effort. The global Internet is distributed and resilient; it is very good at finding ways around breaks in its webwork. Further, technicians stand at the ready to promptly fix holes in the Internet. Factions trying to physically disable the Internet would find themselves up against a giant game of whack-a-mole, with a disabled area popping back up into action soon after being damaged.Cyber AttacksWhat about cyber attacks, involving disabling or corrupting the Internet with malicious computer code?This is a far more serious concern.Major cyber attacks have become commonplace globally. An indication of this proliferation: General Keith Alexander, head of the U.S. National Security Agency, said that there had been a 17-fold increase in computer attacks on American infrastructure from 2009 to 2011.Here are three examples of the untold number of ongoing cyber assault incidents:In September, 2012, the world's biggest oil company, Saudi Arabian-based Aramco, had all of its offices' hard drives wiped clean by a virus. The hackers stated that their motive was political.In June, 2012, The New York Times wrote that the Obama Administration has been engaged in an escalating series of cyber attacks against Iranian nuclear enrichment facilities.In August, 2008, according to high-level U.S. security consultant Jeffrey Carr, during the Russo-Georgian war, Russia attacked Georgia with both conventional weapons and cyber assaults on Georgian government websites.A New Arena for WarThe U.S. Government is taking cyber warfare very seriously."The Pentagon has formally recognized cyberspace as a new domain in warfare," according to William J. Lynn, the U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense. "[Cyberspace] has become just as critical to military operations as land, sea, air, and space."The U.S. Air Force has been continuously improving its cyber fighting capability. Instead of fighting physical battles in physical space, cyber fighters wage cyber warfare in cyber space using logic bombs and other computer code constructs.What would happen if the U.S. found itself losing a major cyber battle?According to the magazine NetworkWorld, the President is prepared to order airstrikes on physical sources of Internet disruption.This could be a very difficult decision to make, however, because a physical attack on a cyber target could lead to a physical war.China, Russia, Iran and Korea have strong cyber armies. "China has plans of winning informationised wars by the mid-21st century," according to the magazine The Economist. Launching a physical airstrike against a belligerent cyber installation in a country like China could ignite a global powder keg.Is the Internet in danger of a terrorist attack? A widespread physical disabling of the Internet appears quite unlikely, but a hostile commandeering and disruption of the world's cyber highways is an increasingly grave concern of major governments.

Information technology has done more harm than good?

There are many good reasons for information technology. There are many bad reasons as well, there are more children on the computer and cell phones then outside playing, and adults getting mis information and lack of social outings.

How long have we had technology?

Technology can be classified as almost anything we use to do a job. Simple tools are a form of early technology. Human beings have been using tools for thousands of years, so you could say technology has existed as long as we have. Technology continues to develop all the time. Some kinds of technology may have dates when they began, but in general terms technology is here as long as humans are.

What is the general purpose of a computer system?

Based on utility,the computers have been classified inti 3 types. One among those types is General purpose computer,which is used for general purpose(all purposes) by the user.

What is the goal of computer forensics?

Computer forensics is a branch of digital forensic science which serves as a source of legal evidence found on computers and digital storage media. It aids the investigation of both criminal and civil proceedings by helping obtain vital information and gathering proofs and evidence.

Related questions

How often does terrorism occur?

Since 1964 there has been *reported* 64,000 attacks as of 2009.

How does terrorism occur?

Since 1964 there has been *reported* 64,000 attacks as of 2009.

When did War on Terrorism become a main topic?

War on Terrorism became a main topic in America after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers, at the World Trade Centre in New York. In the UK, the fight against terrorist attacks had been proceeding for some years previously due to attacks by the IRA.

Is there a lot of terrorism in Spain and if so who are the terrorists?

Spain has a problem with the Basques who want indipendence, and there have been attacks by Muslims however Spain is a very safe country.

What is being done to combat cyber crimes?

There are many methods being put in place to combat cyber crimes like antivirus - to prevent malicious attacks and spam, fraud detection methods have been placed on sites, online harassment protections have been put in place, like reporting a comment or an issue.

Who is blamed for terrorism?

After more than a decade and much studying it has been concluded that the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center was an 'inside' job, orchestrated by the U.S. Government.

Is Gmail vulnerable to cyber attacks?

Being famous, yes Gmail is vulnerable. Hackers always try to hack the most secure things. It has been attacked a number of times in the past.

Cyber Defense?

NATO has been working to maintain cyber security for member nations.

Is terrorism a fairly new thing?

no, terrorism is something that has been happening for a fairly long time.

Why is cyber dragon rarer than cyber end dragon?

Cyber Dragon and Cyber End Dragon have been reprinted multiple times with various rarities. Cyber End Dragon has been released as a Super Rare and an Ultra Rare. Cyber Dragon has been released as a Common, Super Rare, Ultra Rare, and Gold Rare. These reprintings are to help players obtain these cards more easily.A perfect example of this is the re-release of the Exodiaseries.

Why did terrorism start?

It has been here a while know one man knows for certain. But in America it inpacked us the most during the World Trade Center Attacks. Pray to god for all the men and women, Who died.

Was Osama Bin Laden Brave?

Most of his efforts were financing terrorism. He may have been involved directly in fighting Russians in Afghanistan, but he had no military training to speak of. You might say that his attacks on unarmed civilians was a cowardly act.