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There is nothing that says they must stop after a specific number of attempts, in fact they may never stop until they get the vehicle. Some lenders may stop sending the recovery agent after several months and just get a court order to have the local sheriff pick it up. In some states this action is called a replevin action, in others it may be a right of sequestrian or writ of detinue.

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Q: How many attempts does a finance company has before they don't reposes a vehicle?
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Can a finance company check references for a repo car?

Any information you give the lender or the lender obtains in the attempts to recover the vehicle by repossession is legal to use for that purpose.

How long before they reposes leased vehicle?

You would have to read your lease. Every company is different and I imagine each company probably has different leases for differently qualified customers.

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The Lessor is the finance company. The lessee is the person leasing the vehicle from the finance company

Who owns a car when the finance company refuses to pick it up?

As long as the finance company holds the title, they effectively own the vehicle.

Does a finance company have to auction a repossed car in Florida?

Yes, a finance company or a bank is required to send the vehicle to an auction to dispose of it.

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you cannot use it as collateral because you need to hold title of the vehicle however in this case the finance company has the ownership of the vehicle not you.............

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no because the storage fee that the finance company charged you was what the repo company charged on the invoice. the finance company had no other reason to charge storage fee's they did not store it

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Is it legal to? NoIs it possible to? NoThe finance company does not have possession of the vehicle so can do nothing with the paperwork on that vehicle until the do secure possess of it.

Uninsured finance vehicle has been stolen Cancelled insurance because car was being repossessed by finance company?

You still have rights to recover the vehicle. The finance company may help you look for it if they're desperate enough to get it back. Even if your car was insured, you would legally have to payback the finance company for the car since you broke a binding finance contract.

In pa when a vehicle is repossessed does the finance company have to tell you what their doing with the vehicle?

Usually, they do not have to tell you what they are about to do to your vehicle. But, the procedure is is that they will sell your vehicle in an auction.

Can your car be repossessed out of your driveway?

Yes, even if there is a locked gate they can reposes your vehicle.

Can a finance company go on your property to retrieve a vehicle for repossession in NJ?
