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Q: How many babies can a coon hound have?
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What is a coon hound in spanish?

It is actually called a coon hound in Spanish! In Spanish it's, "sabueso de mapaches."

How fast can a walker coon hound dog run?

a walker coon hound would not run at all,,,,he wouldnt be a full blooded walker if he did any running at all,,,,,,he would be a running coon hound.....

What group is the coon hound in?


How many babies do coon hounds have?

they don't have babies only cats do

What is the weight of a coon hound?


What is the birth weight of a coon hound?


What is a 5 letter word for coon dog?


What breed of coon hound is huckleberry hound?

I'm pretty sure that he's a blue tick hound.

Which type-of-dog is Huckleberry Hound?

Most cartoon aficionados agree that Huckleberry Hound is a southern coon hound. Thank you for the flash back to my childhood.

What is the average birth weight of a coon hound?

4-6 lbs

What breed of dog was Albert Einstein's Chico Marx?

coon hound

What does a coon like like?

You know that camouflage is important when hunting. And so coon hunters have developed that breed of dog having stealth, agility, profile and sense for coon hunting. Once upon a coon, they sound the alarm. Now find a picture of a coon and hopefully you won't be mistaking a coon for a coon dog. But don't be persuaded by me; many hound dogs can be viciously trained to hunt for coons.