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They can have between 20-40 babies that are 70cm long.

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Q: How many babies can a hammerhaed shark have?
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How much does a hammerhaed shark weigh?

about 500 pounds

What does a hammerhaed shark eat?

mostly sting ray or fish some peopel even found seals in the belly

How many babies does a dogfish shark have?

about 5

How many shark babies are born?

at least 250 i believe

How many babies can a hammerhead shark have?

as many as you do.

When are hammerhaed sharks born?


How many babies can a nurse shark have?

1 or 2 not alot tho

How many babies does a tiger shark have?

7-10 10 to 82

How many babies can a nurse shark produce?

Female nurse sharks can give birth to 25-28 babies, known as pups.

How many babies whale shark have?

A whale shark (as far as i know) can have between two and three young. I am eleven and i totally powned this question :p

How many feet is a angel shark?

Appearance The Angel Shark's color is swampy green. t can grow 5 or 6 feet long. They weigh as much as 100 pounds. Their size is about 240 cm. Babies The Angel Shark babies are about the size of 170 cm at birth.

What do you call a shark's baby?

Shark babies are commonly referrred to as 'pups'.