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same as humans

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Q: How many babies can a mother dolphin have at a time?
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How many babies can a mother dolphin give birth to at one time?

one at a time

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how many babies can a dolphin have ? ? how many babies can a dolphin have ? ? how many babies can a dolphin have ? ? how many babies can a dolphin have ? ?

How many babies does dusky dolphin have?

21 babies at one time ..

How many babies can a bottle nosed dolphin have at a time?

i think they can have up to 10 at a time:D

How many babies does a mother cheetah have?

About 2-4 babies at a time.

How many babies can an irrawaddy dolphin give birth to?

Irrawaddy Dolphins are known to be able to have up to 3 babies at a time.

How many babies does a mother have?

4-9 at a time

How much babies does a dolphin have at a time?

dolphins have one baby at a time.

How many babies are born if a mother has sextuplets?

If a mother has sextuplets, she gives birth to six babies at one time.

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4-9 at a time

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