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Polar bears will normally have 2 cubs in a litter, sometimes one or two more.

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Q: How many babies can a polar bear have at once?
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How many litters can a polar bear have per year?


Where to find the polar bear in Endless Ocean?

You wait for one to appear on your boat. I once had 2 males 1 female and 3 babies. They are soo sweet,

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The Polar Bear wrapped in vines is at the Mine Shack. Once your there the egg is in the tree.

Do polar bears give birth to their cubs?

Around the age of four or five the female polar bear can start having babies. They usually only have two cubs and they have these babies in a cave they've dug in a large snow drift. They stay there over winter and come out in spring with the babies. The babies are much smaller than human babies when they're born. They are the size of a rat and weigh little more than a pound. They can grow to full man size in a year if they have lots of food. This is the source that I found it from.

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What is a polar bear's archenemy?

A male polar bear. Male bears tend to be territorial and very aggressive towards other males. Also, humans are a threat to the species because of the severe damage we have done to their environment. Every day a polar bear dies by drowning in what once was ice but is now melted from our cars and gas.

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