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Q: How many babies do mice have in one year?
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How many mice are there in one liter?

There can be from one to 12 babies in a litter.

What if your mouse had twenty babies at one time is that bad?

One of my mice has had two litters, only bearing three babies each time. Another one of my girls, who was only 4 months old, had 13 babies. Domesticated or wild, mice can have up to 100 babies a year. They will only be able to get pregnant 4 times a year and they can have as many as 25 babies at a time. It's perfectly normal- although the mama may need some extra TLC.

How many babies can a sloth have in a year?

one a year

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One in 10 thousand babies are born with Dwarfism every year.

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it depends

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If you have 2 mice and they mate by the end of the year how many mice will there be after each of one another mate and so on?


How many babies does one goat have in one year?

2 kids

Can mice have babies on their own?

As long as there is one male mouse and one female mouse in the same cage there will most likely be babies.

How many babies do mountain zebras have a year?

Only one.

How many babies does the west Indian manatee?

one a year

How many babies do a pair of rabbits usually have in one year?

rabbits can have as many babies as posibble but it is unfair to make them have too many !