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Q: How many babies does a lyrebird have at once?
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How many feather has lyrebird's tail?

Many websites state that the tail of the Superb lyrebird has 16 feathers.

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1-5 babies at once

Can a lyrebird swim?

Many species of birds can swim, and while it is not the lyrebird's preferred activity, they can swim for short distances.

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A hamster can have up to 16 babies at once but the average hamster has about 3-10 babies

How many sounds can the lyrebird remember?

No studies have been done on how many sounds the lyrebird can remember, or for how long. Suffice to say that its range of vocalisations is remarkable.

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Probably around 1-5 babies at once

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8 babies or less

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6 babies at once.

When was Superb Lyrebird created?

Superb Lyrebird was created in 1801.

When was Albert's Lyrebird created?

Albert's Lyrebird was created in 1850.

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10 to 60 babies