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Q: How many baby teeth do people typically have as kids?
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Typical people have how many baby teeth as kids?


What if kids teeth are coming out and their baby teeth are still in?

Get the teeth pulled

Is the enamel on baby teeth weaker than on grownup teeth?

because baby's teeth are way smaller than older kids teeth

Is it possible for baby teeth to fall out and be replaced with more baby teeth?

not sure had 5 kids and never had it happen yet it may just leave a gap until the adult teeth come through

What are the teeth?

Molar teeth are the big teeth placed in the back of the mouth. In decidious teeth (baby teeth), kids have two molar teeth on each side, up and down, right and left, for a total of 8 molar teeth. In adult teeth, people have three molars on each side, up and down, right and left, for a total of 12 molar teeth, which includes 4 wisdom teeth.

Should children have dential work done on baby teeth?

Yes. Baby teeth with cavities can be very painful for a child and possibly cause serious infections. Children have died from untreated dental infections. Keeping baby teeth healthy will help kids keep their adult teeth healthy - they will come in straighter and have less chance of getting cavities if their baby teeth are healthy. Little kids can't tell you if their tooth aches. They may just cry or throw temper tantrums if things hurt.

If a kids still got 9 baby teeth and he is 12 year old will that stop his grow till his real teeth come in?

No, when i was 12 i had nearly that many teeth and all my are in now

How many teeth does a child lose?

They loose all of their teeth than they becom adults teeth idn how many though

Why is there tooth?

there is know tooth fairy or santa or easter bunny kids . A tooth is for chewing food. Baby teeth fall out to make way for permanent teeth.

How many teeth do people?

Many adults have 32 teeth:8 incisors4 canines8 premolars12 molars (including 4 wisdom teeth)Children start out with zero teeth, but usually by age 3 they have all of their primary teeth (or "baby teeth"), which are 20 in number.By thirteen, most kids have lost all of their baby teeth and have a full set of 28 permanent teeth. Then, between the ages of 17-25, we get wisdom teeth. If there is room in your mouth for those to grow in, then you end up with a set of 32 teeth. If not, and they have to be pulled, then you end up with a set of 28.We have 32 permanent teeth, if we look after them we will have them all of our lives.

Do kids need to have baby teeth pulled?

normally they come out on their own when the adult teeth come in, but sometimes they don't, and should be removed

Who many teeth does a kid have?

How many teeth does a kid have? That answer is 76 teeth!! It's amazing.... but true!!!! Believe it or not but kids under 10 should have 24 kids above 10 they might get 28