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There were 2 North Carolina class ships completed in the late 30's, 4 South Dakota class ships completed in the early part of WW2, and the 4 Iowa class ships completed in 1943-44... so depending on your exact timeframe, approximately 10 that were completed.

Additionally, there were 2 more Iowa class ships that were never completed, and 4+ Montana class ships that were never built (basically enlarged Iowas with an extra turret, lower speed, and thicker armor)

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Q: How many battleships were built by Us during World War 2?
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Four Yamato-class Battleships were ordered. Two of which were completed. (Yamato & Musashi). The third (Shinano) was partially-completed, and then converted into an aircraft carrier. The fourth was cancelled and never built.

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Many battleships that were built were never in combat, and so were not damaged. The most recent was probably HMS Vanguard, which was completed after the end of World War II and never fired a shot in anger.

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The Germans started WW2 with 6 battleships. One, the Graf Spee was damaged and scuttled in the second month of war.

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The only US battleships that were sunk and lost were the Arizona, Oklahoma, and Utah during WWII. After the war the Pennsylvania, New York, Arkansas, and Nevada joined their sister battleships on the bottom of the Pacific after being sunk for target practice.

How many battleships were in the Yamato Class?

Two battleships (Yamato and Musashi)

Do all states have battleships named after them?

No. The US Navy did not have that many battleships.

How many battleships did great Britain have?

From 1906 to 1944; Britain had about 43 battleships.