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Q: How many bears break into houses every year?
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Are taddy bears recently bought?

in many houses. in many houses.

How many people die by bears every year?

On average, around six people die from bear attacks worldwide each year. However, it is important to note that fatal bear attacks are rare and encountering a bear in the wild is mostly safe as long as appropriate precautions are taken.

How many polar bears die due to attacks from other polar bears each year?

* 17 polar bears die every year acording to average

How many grizzly bears are hunted every year?

More than 100

Can tornadoes destroy houses?

Yes. Many houses are destroyed by tornadoes every year. The very strongest tornadoes rip houses from their foundations and scatter them to the wind.

How many swimming pools are there in Florida?

There are over 85,000 swimming pools in Florida according to the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals.

How many breedings do polar bears do a year?

Female polar bears usually breed once every two years. It takes that long for her cubs to mature enough to be on their own.

How many penguins every day do polar bears eat?

Zero. Polar Bears and penguins live at opposite ends of the world. Polar Bears Arctic, Penguins Antarctic. Polar Bears eat seals. This is a common misconception that polar bears and penguins live together, but they live on opposite poles.

How many houses are build each year?

700 hotels are built every year

How many rooms did the pilgrims have in every single one of their houses?

The colonists houses were one large room. You have to remember they built these themselves. At one end was a fireplace for heat and cooking.

How many times a day do polar bears go swimming?

polar bears go out swimming at least 3 t 5 times a day , depends on the food they catch every swimming time ....

Besides bears which animals go into hibernation?

There are many animals besides bears that go into hibernation every year. Some species of bat hibernate as do hedgehog, squirrel, dormice and even some birds.