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In the King James version (and this is probably not an exhaustive list)

(I have omitted some words, such as 'gopher' which refers to a type of wood, not the animal; and 'sardine' which refers to a type of stone, not the fish. AND, many people might dispute that birds and insects are 'beasts'.)

  1. adder - adders'
  2. ants
  3. apes
  4. asp - asps
  5. ass - ass's - asses
  6. badgers'
  7. bat - bats
  8. bear - bears
  9. bee - bees
  10. beetle
  11. boar
  12. bull - bulls
  13. bullock - bullock's - bullocks
  14. calf - calf's - calves
  15. camel - camel's - camels - camels'
  16. caterpiller - caterpillers
  17. chameleon
  18. chamois
  19. chickens
  20. cock
  21. cockatrice - cockatrice' - cockatrices
  22. colt - colts
  23. coney - conies
  24. cormorant
  25. cow - cow's
  26. crane
  27. crow
  28. deer
  29. dog - dog's - dogs
  30. dove - dove's - doves - doves'
  31. dragon - dragons
  32. dromedaries - dromedary
  33. eagle - eagle's - eagles - eagles'
  34. ewe - ewes
  35. fallowdeer
  36. ferret
  37. flea
  38. flies - fly
  39. foal - foals
  40. fox - foxes
  41. frogs
  42. gnat
  43. goat - goats - goats'
  44. grasshopper - grasshoppers
  45. greyhound
  46. hare
  47. hart - harts
  48. hawk
  49. heifer - heifer's
  50. hen
  51. hind - hinds - hinds'
  52. hornet - hornets
  53. horse - horses - horses'
  54. kid - kids
  55. kite
  56. lamb - Lamb's - lambs
  57. lapwing
  58. leopard - leopards
  59. lice
  60. lion - lion's - lioness - lionesses - lions - lions'
  61. lizard
  62. locust - locusts
  63. mice - mouse
  64. mole - moles
  65. moth
  66. mule - mules - mules'
  67. ospray
  68. ossifrage
  69. ostrich - ostriches
  70. owl - owls
  71. ox - oxen
  72. palmerworm
  73. partridge
  74. peacocks
  75. pelican
  76. pigeon - pigeons
  77. quails
  78. ram - ram's - rams - rams'
  79. raven - ravens
  80. roe - roebuck - roebucks - roes
  81. satyr - satyrs
  82. scorpion - scorpions
  83. sheep - sheep's
  84. snail
  85. sparrow - sparrows
  86. spider - spider's
  87. stork
  88. swan
  89. swine - swine's
  90. tortoise
  91. turtle - turtles
  92. turtledove - turtledoves
  93. unicorn - unicorns
  94. viper - viper's - vipers
  95. vulture - vulture's - vultures
  96. weasel
  97. whale - whale's - whales
  98. wolf - wolves
  99. worm - worms

Some of these are mythical - but, they were believed to exist when The Bible was written.

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