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Q: How many bit registers are and their names?
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Bit addressable registers in 8051?

just a note: Clarify your question Bit-addressable registers are registers that its bits can be modified individually. that means if you have register named "ACC" that is bit addressable , you can change its bits (D0 -D7) individually by special instructions SETB and CLR. ex: SETB ACC.3 ; will set bit number 4 (remember bit 0) in the register in 8051 there are many bit-addressable registers such as A (ACC), B, SCON, PCON, TCON, p0,p1,p2,p3 . best wishes, drdigital.

How do you use 8 bit register as 16 bit register?

8 bit registers cannot be used as 16 bit registers. The reverse works, however, as the 16 bit general purpose registers of the 8086 and 8088 can be used as pairs of 8 bit registers. AX is divided into AH (high 8 bits) and AL (low 8 bits), and BX, CX, and DX are similarly divided.Operations on 16 bit and operations on 8 bit registers are similar. So you can do add ah, bl, just as you could do add ax, bx.

How many base registers are there in 8086?

There are four base registers in the 8086/8088; Code Segment (CS), Data Segment (DS), Stack Segment (SS), and Extra Segment (ES).

How many 8 bit register in 8085?

There are seven 8 bit registers in the 8085. A, B, C, D, E, H, and L

Why are programme counter and stack pointer register 16 bit registers?

The program counter (PC) and stack pointer (SP) registers are 16-bit registers in the 8085 and in the 8086/8088 because that is how Intel designed the processors.

List the16-bit general purpose registers in amd64 architectures?

All 16 of the x64 architecture's G.P. registers can be addressed as 16-bit registers, using the names AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, BP, SP, R8w, R9w, R10w, R11w, R12w, R13w, R14w, and R15w. Using SP as a G.P. register is not a good idea, however, since this will conflict with its function as the stack pointer.

What is mean by register pair of 8085?

In the 8085, six registers (B, C, D, E, F, H, and L) can be used as individual 8-bit registers, or paired up and treated as 16-bit registers. The pairs are BC, DE, and HL.

What are some of the brand names of Epos cash registers for sale?

There are many websites and companies that offer different brands of EPOS cash registers. Some of these companies are Casio, Amazon, Kepos and also Sharp.

How many types of registers?

registers are five types.

What is the size of flag register?

All of the 8086/8088 registers, AX, BX, CX, DX, SP, BP, SI, DI, CS, DS, SS, ES, IP, and FLAGS, are 16 bit registers. The AX, BX, CX, and DX registers may also be viewed as 8 eight bit registers AH/AL, BH/BL, CH/CL, and DH/DL.

What are the different registers in an 8085 microprocessor?

There are 6 general purpose Registers and Two special purpose registers: General purpose registers(8 bit basically) are B,C,D,E,H,L and SPECIAL Purpose resisters are STACK PONITER,PROGRAM COUNTER these two are 16 bit registers. If u want make general purpose registers as 16 bit registers, the combination is BC,DE,HL these are 16 bit pair registers