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Q: How many bonds does iodine have with hydrogen?
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How many bonds does iodine have to hydrogen?


How many bonds are shared between Iodine and hydrogen?

one bond; H-I.

The atomic number for iodine 53 how many bond with hydrogen will it have and why?

The atomic number is not what dictates how many bonds it will form with hydrogen. Iodine is in group 7A (XVII) and so it has 7 valence electrons. It wants 1 more, and so it will share the 1 electron that hydrogen has. It thus will make ONE bond with hydrogen, to form hydrogen iodide, HI.

How many bonds can Iodine form with hydrogen?

Like all other halogens, usually one. Like all elements in or below the third row of the periodic table, it is able to make additional bonds in some cases, though those are rare. One example is the triiodide ion, where one iodine makes two bonds.

How many bonds does silicon have hydrogen?

Silicon has 4 bonds with hydrogen

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Silicon has 4 bonds with hydrogen

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Hydrogen selenide (H2Se) has two bonds.

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Silicon has 4 bonds with hydrogen

How many bonds to hydrogen does hydrogen have?


How does saturated fat effect iodine atoms?

unsaturated are oils that have double bonds in their structure because there is not enough hydrogen atoms to bond with the carbon atoms. In such case, carbon atoms bond to each others to form double or triple bonds. adding iodine, saturates the oil as iodine atoms bond to carbon atoms as if they were hydrogen atoms. This is an answer to the question that should read: How does iodine affect unsaturated fats?

If the atomic number of iodine is 53 how many bond will it make with hydrogen?

One covalent bond is between iodine and hydrogen.

How many bonds to hydrogen can hydrogen have?

Just ONE.