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Q: How many bonds does neon have to fill it's outer energy level?
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How many bonds will nitrogen have to form to fill its outer energy level?

Nitrogen would have three bonds in order to fill its valence shell.

How many bonds does sulfur have to fill its outer energy level?

I believe it's 2 bonds if I'm reading the question correctly.

Why do atoms form chemical bonds and give examples to illustrate your point?

to fill their outer most energy level

How many electrons are needed to fill the second outer energy level?

8 electrons

The group that needs one more electron to fill its outer energy level?


How many electron are needed to fill the outer energy level of sulfur?

6 electrons

What two atoms will have their outer energy level filled with two electrons?

Hydrogen and Helium both only need two valence electrons to fill their outer shell.

What factor determines that an oxygen atom can form two covalent bonds while a carbon atom can form four?

An atom wants to fill all the electron spaces in its farthest out Energy Level Orbital. The number of available spaces in the outer energy level orbital determine how many times it is available to bond.

How many electrons does Sodium need to fill it's outer energy level?

It needs to lose one electron so that it can have 8 electrons in its outer orbital

How many covalent bonds does carbon need to create it's outer shell?

Carbon needs 4 covalent bonds to fill its outer shell.

How can an atom that has seven valence electrons complete its outermost level?

Look at the first element on the periodic table. The first energy level holds only two electrons, so Helium has filled its outer energy level. Atoms with an outer energy level that is not fill will fill it up by bonding with other atoms and sharing electrons.

How many valence electrons in fluorine are needed to have a filled outer energy level?

it has 2 because the first energy level has 1