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An atom wants to fill all the electron spaces in its farthest out Energy Level Orbital. The number of available spaces in the outer energy level orbital determine how many times it is available to bond.

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Q: What factor determines that an oxygen atom can form two covalent bonds while a carbon atom can form four?
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What type of bond would form between carbon and oxygen atoms?

Covalent bond

What is the covalent compounds in carbon monoxide?

Carbon monoxide is a single covalent compound.It contains 2 elements: carbon and oxygen.

Are the compounds oxygen and carbon bonded by ionic bonding or covalent bonding?

Oxygen and carbon combine with each other to form covalent compounds as in carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, carbonate ion, etc.

Can co and o form a covalent compound?

yes, carbon monoxide is a covalent compound between carbon and oxygen

What type of bonding in carbon dioxide?

Double covalent intramolecular bonds with the oxygen. Van der Waal's intermolecular bonds.

Is carbon oxide a ionic or covalent bond?

carbon monoxide is a covalent bond... covalent bonds involve non-metal with non-metal bonding... carbon and oxygen r non-metals...hence carbon oxide is a covalent bond...

Is CO a nonpolar covalent or polar covalent?

Because oxygen is much more electronegative than carbon, the bonding in CO (carbon monoxide) is a polar covalent.

What is the covalent bond in potassium methoxide?

The carbon-oxygen and carbon-hydrogen bonds are covalent. Any bond formed by potassium is ionic.

Oxygen and what element forms a covalent bond?

Oxygen and oxygen. O=O. Or, say oxygen and carbon, CO. Oxygen and many other nonmetals con form covalent bonds.

What bond is between carbon and hydrogen or oxygen and hydrogen?


What type of bond is between C and O?

A molecule of carbon monoxide has polar covalent bonds.

What factor dertemines that an oxygen atom can form two covalent bonds while a carbon atom can form four?

It is the number of unpaired electrons in their valence shells. Oxygen has two unpaired valence electrons and carbon has four unpaired valence electrons.