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Q: How many bonds does oxygen atoms always have?
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How many atoms of oxygen are in each water molecule?

One atom of oxygen bonds with two atoms of hydrogen Edd

Carbon can react to how many atoms at one time?

It depends on the atoms it is reacting with. If carbon it is 4 eg CH4 is methane, if oxygen it is two eg CO2 is carbon dioxide. This is because carbon can form four bonds, and carbon-carbon bonds are single bonds and carbon-oxygen bonds are double bonds.

What does zirconium bond with?

Zirconium bonds with many atoms including oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and the haloegens.

How many bonds are formed when hydrogen and oxygen combine to make water?

Two bonds in total. The oxygen atom forms two covalent bonds, one to each of two hydrogen atoms. This can be represented as H - O - H.

How many covalent bonds will the atoms of hydrogen oxygen carbon and nitrogen form?

Hydrogen: 1 Oxygen: 2 Nitrogen:3 Carbon: 4

What atoms combined with nitrogen?

Are you asking what atoms can combine with nitrogen and form bonds? Lots: nitrogen can form bonds with other nitrogen atoms, forming N2 (which makes up 80% of the composition of the atmosphere). Nitrogen also commonly forms bonds with hydrogen (NH4 is ammonia), oxygen, carbon (CN- is cyanide). These are probably the most common ones, but Nitrogen can form bonds with many, many other atoms.

How many covalent bonds does water have?

it has two bonds because the oxygen can make a bond with each hydrogen

How many covalent bonds in O?

Oxygen normally will form two covalent bonds, as for example in the most familiar compound, water, in which one oxygen atom forms a covalent bond with each of two hydrogen atoms.

How many H bonds can water form?

A single water molecule can make three to four hydrogen bonds. A single water molecule can usually make three hydrogen bonds but in some cases it can make up to four. Hint: If your high school Biology teacher is asking you this question the number of hydrogen bonds a molecule of water can make is almost always three (just remember one bond for each element).

How many electrons are in the outermost energy level of an oxygen atom as shares electrons with hydrogen atoms as part of a water molecule?

Eight. Oxygen has 6 electrons and shares two more with the hydrogen atoms in covalent bonds

How many times larger in the number of hydrogen atoms than oxygen atoms in all carbohydrates?

2 times larger

How many oxygen atoms are in 20f2?

Two oxygen atoms.