

How many bones are in an adult giraffe?

Updated: 1/19/2020
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13y ago

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After checking several sources, including this website, I've reached a conclusion. It sounds like there are 207 bones in the adult giraffe body.

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Q: How many bones are in an adult giraffe?
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How many bones are there in an adult giraffe?

There are 7 bones in their necks, the same as in ours.

How many bones has a giraffe?

207 in an adult body

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In an adult giraffe, there are 207 bones

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The giraffe has the same number of bones that of a human in the backbone, 33.

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A giraffe has approximately 32 adult teeth.

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Is a giraffe's skeleton similar to human skeleton?

Giraffes and humans have the same number of bones in our necks, (7), and both adult giraffes and adult humans have the same number of bones, (206).

How many bones will you have when you became an adult?

the adult have 206 bones

How many bones do a giraffe has in their necks?

The giraffe has 7 bones in its neck just like we humans do. Only they're much more longer.

How many neckbones does a giraffe have?

As in human beings there are seven. A giraffe's are much larger

How many bones will have when were become adult?

when we turn adult we have 203 bones