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there r 24000 verses and seven books in ramayana

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Q: How many books and verses in Ramayana?
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There are 500 sargas (cantos) in Valmiki Ramayana. They are divided into seven books consisting 24000 slokas(verses) in all.

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The Vedas, Upanishads, Manusmriti, Srimad Bhagvatam, Bhagwad Geeta, Ramayana.

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there are 6 holy books they are the vedas the upanisads the smrutis the ramayana the mahabharata annd the puranas

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Most of the the first four books of the New Testament is about Jesus, so many of those verses are about Him. There are many verses in the Old Testament about His coming.

How many chapters and verses are in all the books of the Bible?

There are 66 Books of the Bible which include 1189 Chapters and 31173 verses and 773,746 words (King James Version)

How many Hindu books are there?

There are main 4 hindu books called vedas. Than there is bhagwat geeta, ramayana & mahabharata which are epic poems. Than there are upnishad, puranas , vedantas and other books.

How many books of the Bible have the word Father in it?

1126 mentions in 970 verses.

What is the poem about Rama?

The Ramayana is the epic poem about Rama. It consists of 24,000 verses in Sanskrit. It has numerous translations in most of the world languages.

How many sloka in valmiki ramayana?

There are 24000 shlokas in the Sanskrit epic Ramayana. Valmiki wrote the story of Rama as Ramayana.

The Bible is divided into books chapters and verses How is the Koran divided?

Surahs and verses