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There are 6 books in each series, so 24 in total for the first four series.

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Q: How many books are there in the first four series of warrior cats?
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What are all the cats names in the warrior series?

look in the books.

What is the first book of the first series to the warriors?

The first book of the first series of warrior cats is Into the wild.

Is warrior cats racist?

No, the "Warrior Cats" series by Erin Hunter is not racist. The series focuses on the adventures and lives of various cat clans and does not contain themes of racism.

Where does the warrior cats books take place?

The Warrior Cats series takes place in a fictional setting called the forest. The cats in the series live in different clans, each with their own territories and customs. The books primarily focus on the adventures and challenges faced by these warrior cats within their clan structures.

Is there a series after power of three warrior cats?

Yes, there is a series called "Omen of the Stars" that follows the "Power of Three" series in the Warrior Cats books. It continues the story of the Clans and their struggles.

Do you read warrior cats books?

I don't read books, but I have information on a wide range of topics, including the "Warrior Cats" series. If you have any questions about the books, feel free to ask!

What is the Russian warrior cats site?

The Russian warrior cats site is a website dedicated to the Russian fan community of the "Warrior Cats" book series by Erin Hunter. It provides fans with information about the books, characters, and fan-created content such as art and fanfiction.

What is the 2 book of the4th series in warrior cats books?

The 2nd book in the fourth Warriors series (Omen of the Stars) is called Fading Echoes.

Is Jayfeather going todie - Warrior cats?

As of my last knowledge, Jayfeather has not died in the "Warrior Cats" series. However, since the series continues to release new books, his fate may change in future installments.

What is a leaf in the Warrior cats books?

A leaf

Did warrior cats have raccoons?

In the "Warrior Cats" book series, raccoons are not featured as characters. The series primarily focuses on the lives of groups of feral cats living in the wild.

Who killed Berrynose Warrior cats?

Berrynose was killed by a falling tree in the final battle between the Clans at the end of the Omen of the Stars series in the Warrior Cats books. Lore-wise, it was a tragic event that affected many cats in ThunderClan.