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Penta = 5 Therefore there are 5 books in the pent-teuch. These are the 5 books written by Moses.

1) Genesis = The historical account of the beginning of this earth age and the history of several families, including the 8th day creation Adam or eth ha adam, and his family which continues through Abraham and his chosen son Isaac (Son of Sarah) and Isaac's son Jacob (renamed Israel by our Father) and Jacob's 12 sons (tribes) of Israel. The book ends with Joseph (son of Jacob), in Egypt during the famine and the journey of the tribes of Joseph's brothers and his father Jacob, to Egypt to sojourn there during the famine.

2) Exodus = This book is about the 12 tribes of Israel (Hebrews) living in Egypt and how that eventually turned into captivity and hard bondage to Egypt. It defines the release of the tribes of Israel by our Father through his servants Moses and Aaron and our Fathers punishment reigned down upon Egypt until Pharaoh and all Egypt's false gods were viewed as helpless against the Lord God of Israel. The book ends with the Exodus into the remote, desolate, desert region of Mount Sinai of all the tribes of Israel with our Father literally with them.

3) Leviticus = The law statutes and ordinances of our Father. the establishment of Levi as the Priests and Judges of the tribes of Israel. The order and building of the tabernacle.

4) Numbers = The numbering and arrangement of the tribes of Israel as they prepare for war as directed by our Father to enter and take the promised land which he promised Abraham as a possession back in the book of Genesis

5) Deuteronomy = The last book of Moses, it contains a complete review of all accounts up until this point. The re-establishment of the law as it was written. The close of Moses and Aaron's life and the handing over of the reigns by Moses to Joshua who will obey our father and lead the tribes of Israel into the promise land. This is an historical ensemble of the two witnesses as they will lead our people once again out of bondage to the false Christ (Satan) at the end of this earth age.

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Q: How many books in pentateuch part of bible?
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How many books make up the part of the bible known as the Pentateuch?

Five books make up the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Penta is from the Greek pente = five.

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The Pentateuch is what Jews call the Torah. This means the first five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

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The 'Pentateuch' (Greek meaning 'five rolls' or 'fivefold volume') includes the first FIVE books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. So YES, the book of Exodus is part of the Pentateuch.

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Christian scholars often refer to the first five books of the Hebrew Bible as the "Pentateuch". The term means "five scrolls" or five books. These five books also known as the Torah.The first five books of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Old Testament are as follows:GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomy

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The Pentateuch or the Torah is actually the Jewish Bible, but is accepted by Christianity as the part of the Bible which comprises the first five books of the Old Testament which are known, in English, as Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

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The first five books of the old testament are Genesis , Exodus, Leviticus , Numbers and Deuteronomy which are traditionally accepted as all being written by Moses..These first five books of the old testament are known as the Torah in Judaism or Pentateuch to Christians

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