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Old Testament = 39; New Testament = 27 total of 66 books

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Q: How many books make up each section of the christian bible?
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How many books are in each section of the Bible?

In the Catholic Bible, there are 46 books in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.

What is The Bible composed of?

The bible is composed of 63 books (Christian bible not catholic) and each are inspired by God

How many books are in each testament in the Protestant Bible?

There are 27 books in the new testament/christian testament

How are the books of the Bible boken down?

The Bible is divided into books, each book divided into chapters. Each chapter consists of verses.

How many different books of the Bible are there?

The Hebrew Bible contains twenty-four books which are divided into three parts: the five books of Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Ketuvim. On the other hand, the first part of the Christian Bible is the Old Testament, which contains the twenty-four books of the Hebrew Bible that are divided into thirty-nine books. They are also ordered in a different way than the Hebrew Bible's books.

What are canonical books?

The books of the Bible that are accepted by a church. The Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant churches each have slightly different lists of books of the Bible that they accept as canonical.

Why is each section in the Bible important?

Bacause each part tells you a way to live by

Does each christian treat the bible with respect?

Short answer: they should, but not all do.

Why were books taken from the bible?

The Bible is a compilation of books. Each religion determines what books they want included in theirs. I know of at least 50 or more books that belong in the Bible but are not included because they make mention of Jesus' brothers and the fact that he was married.

What did President Lincoln read from the War Department each night before bed?

a christian bible; he was a strong Christian

What are the Jewish holy books about?

See the attached Related Link for summaries of each of the books of the Hebrew Bible.

What is the difference between the Catholic catechism and the Catholic version of the bible?

The Bible used by the Catholic church contains additional books that are not used by Protestant denominations (but do tend to also be used by Orthodox churches) following the Alexandrian Cannonical doctrine. These books are Tobias, Judith, 1 Machabees, 2 Machabees, Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus. American Catholics generally use the New American or New Jerusalem translation of the Bible which is slightly different from the KJV or NIV generally used by Protestants. The overall messages of the books of the Bible that are the same in all denominations and translations is generally the same, but may be interpreted differently by each individual and each church.