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Q: How many books of the bible contains the ten commandments?
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What is the difference between the bible and the ten commandments?

The Bible is a religious text that encompasses various stories, teachings, and beliefs of Christianity, while the Ten Commandments are a set of ethical and moral guidelines given by God to Moses in the Bible, specifically in the book of Exodus. The Bible is a more comprehensive collection of scriptures, while the Ten Commandments are a specific set of laws within the Bible.

How many books are there in a Bible?

The Bible contains 66 books(pages), divided among the Old and New Testaments. In the old tesaments there are 39 books(pages) and there are 27 books(pages)

How many are the comanments of God?

There are traditionally ten commandments of God in the Bible. These commandments outline moral and ethical guidelines for living a righteous life.

How many verses are in the King James Bible new testament?

The Old Testament contains 39 books, while the New Testament contains 27 books. In total, the Bible has 66 books.

How many books are in part 1 in the bible?

There are 66 books in the Protestant bible, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. The Catholic bible contains 73 books, 46 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.

Why is the holy bible called a library?

As it contains so many lovely books worth reading.

How many books of the Chronicles are in the Bible?

There are two Books of Chronicles in the Bible, though some consider they may have originally been one book.The protestant bible has a total of 66 books in it. while the catholic bible has a total of seven more books in their bible.The Bible contains 66 books: 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.

How many chapters in total are in the Bible?

The King James Version contains 66 books of the Bible. The KJV contains 1,189 chapters and 31,102 verses. The KJV also has 788,258 words.

How many different books of the Bible are there?

The Hebrew Bible contains twenty-four books which are divided into three parts: the five books of Torah, the Nevi'im, and the Ketuvim. On the other hand, the first part of the Christian Bible is the Old Testament, which contains the twenty-four books of the Hebrew Bible that are divided into thirty-nine books. They are also ordered in a different way than the Hebrew Bible's books.

Why is tobit only in the catholic bible?

The Catholic Douay version of the Bible contains many Books that were removed by Martin Luther leading to what became the Protestant Bible(s). of which there are now many versions.

How many books of the Bible are there?

There are 66 books of the bible.