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Q: How many books were approved by the church in the final canon of the bible?
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What is the definition of the word canonical?

A canon is a law or rule, usually made by a religious body. The Roman Catholic Church has a book of Canon laws that determine what is or is not canonically correct. For example, a priest is forbidden to marry by canon law. The word is also used for the canon of books contained in the Bible. A list of canonicalbooks would be those approved for inclusion in the Bible. The Roman Catholic edition of the Bible has more books than a Protestant version has.

What are the books of the Eastern Orthodox Church?

The Eastern Orthodox Church uses the Bible. The books in their Canon are slightly different than that of the Roman Catholic, but they also use 3 Maccabees, Psalm 151, and 1 Esdras.

Did the Catholic Church add more books to the Bible?

Yes, in the 16th Century AD, the Church considered these writings as part of the recognized Canon of Scripture. See link below:

Why was The Bible canonized?

Canon in this sense means a rule or standard. The Bible was canonized to establish what were the authoritative books to be used by the church in its preaching and teaching. This established a standard for what texts were accepted and what texts were not.

How many books did the Greek cannon add to the canon?

The Greek canon added 8 books to the Old Testament canon. These books, known as the Deuterocanonical books, are not present in the Hebrew Bible but are included in the Greek Septuagint and Catholic Bibles.

How does the placement of the prophetic books at the end of the Hebrew bible anticipant the additions of the gospels to the canon?

The prophetic books were not placed at the end of the Hebrew Bible. This was a rearrangement of the books by the early church. In the original order, used by the Jews, the prophets appear in the center of the Bible. This rearrangement was an effort to give the false impression that more was coming.

What is a canon in The Bible?

In general, "canon" means the writings considered holy and authoritative. The Bible itself does not mention a canon. I think you mean, "What is the canon OF the Bible?" This refers to the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. They are canon because they have the authority to define Christianity. Another example: Harry Potter fans sometimes refer to the ten books by J. K. Rowling as "the canon". This means they are the books that tell the real story of Harry Potter. The eight films and any other books written by Harry Potter fans do not count as canon.

How are canon books of bible divided?

The Old Testament and the New Testament

How are the books in the canon bible divided?

new testament and old testament

What are the 73 books of the Bible called?

There are only 66 books that are universally accepted, and it's called "The Canon".

Who determined what books were to be included in the Old Testament?

It is believed that the first century CE Council of Jamnia first determined exactly what books should be included in the Hebrew Bible. The decision does not appear to have been unanimous and doubts were raised about Ezekiel, Proverbs, Esther, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. Christians began to use books of the Old Testament as scripture before the Hebrew canon was formalised. By the fourth century, the Christian church began to concern itself about exactly what Old Testament books should be included, and Bishop Melito of Sardis went to Palestine to discover which Hebrew books belonged in the canon. Nevertheless, the Catholic Church and some Eastern churches include other books that are not in the Jewish canon. The Christian canon was not really formalised until the Reformation. Martin Luther established the Protestant canon, after which the Catholic Church formalised its own canon.

Why was apocrypha was not included in King James Bible?

------------------------ The apocryphal books of the Bible were originally included in the Christian Old Testament when the Christian leaders did not really know which books the Jews regarded as sacred. Eventually it was discovered that these books were among those not included in the Jewish canon. The apocrypha were included in the original 1611 version of the King James Bible, but were removed from the 1666 version. Even the Catholic Church regards these books as 'Deuterocanonical', or second-canon. Although regarded as inspired, they are not inspired in the same way as the principal books of the Old Testament.