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Q: How many bounces are there in a trampoline routine?
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What is the difference between a trampoline and an accordion?

A trampoline bounces, and an accordian plays music.......................................................................................

How does the trampoline work?

it bounces by springs in the side

What is the world record for the most knee bounces on a trampoline in five minutes?

The Guinness World Record for the most knee bounces on a trampoline in five minutes is 1,040 and was achieved by Ashrita Furman (USA) on the set of CCTV - Guinness World Records Special in Beijing, China, on 6 December 2008.

Why does your back hurt after jumping on the trampoline?

Because it is small and when you jump around, there's a lor of space for it to go. Therefore, it bounces

What is it called When a wave bounces of an object?

This is called reflection of sound. It's like a sound wave bouncing on a trampoline.

How does a trampoline make you jump?

The bounce of a trampoline is impacted by the amount of trampoline springs and the size of the trampoline. The more trampoline springs that are featured on a trampoline, the higher and better bounce the trampoline will produce. Larger trampolines produce better bounces because they are able to have more springs, providing more elasticity to the bed and generating a better bounce.

Who sings the song on the new car ad where they throw stuff from their balcony and it goes down a slide or bounces off a trampoline and into the boot?

Polka by Yves Klein Blue

Can an exercise trampoline be included in a bodybuilding routine?

Yes an exercise could be included in a bodybuilding routine. However, it may not be beneficial. The only beneficial part is that your heart rate may increase.

What pronoun would replace trampoline?

The pronoun for the noun trampoline is 'it'. For plural form, trampolines, the pronoun 'they' is used as a subject and 'them' as the object of a sentence.

How many minutes to you have to burn a pound on a trampoline?

i no that 30mins on the trampoline is equivilent to running 3miles if this helps?

What sport does a gymnast do at the Olympics?

Gymnastics, which is broken down in to Artistic, Rhythmic, and Trampoline.

Do oval or circular trampolines bounce higher?

There isn't ONLY oval. there's also rectanguler. So if your asking for oval, rectanguler, or circle, it depends on you/your family. I personally would say circle. They're the most popular type, and they have an eye for attraction. Ovals are okay, but not safe and definitely not as good as a circle trampoline. A rectanguler trampoline has the same thing, but there's no round spot, so you can't do your flips as freely as you can with a round trampoline. So i'd say, a round trampoline bounces higher, AND is better. ~Splitz.monkey13~