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MY GREAT GREAT GRANDFATHER SAID 8 with some left over for clothing

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Q: How many buffalo hides for a tipi?
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Did the Salish use Buffalo Hide for Tipi's?

Yes, the Salish did use buffalo hides to construct tipi's. It took seven to make a medium size tipi and twelve or more for large ones.

How did they make tipi?

sticks and animal hides

How did they make the tipi's?

out of bark, trees, animal hides and sometimes vines

Who is a person who kills buffalo for their valuable hides?

Aperson who kills buffalo for their valuable hides is called a Buffalo Hunter.

Is tipi an adjective?

No. Tipi (tepee, teepee) is a noun, a conical tent. But the noun can be used as an adjunct or adjective (tepee pole, tepee hides).

What is a shelter made of buffalo skin is called?


What shelter is made of buffalo skin?

Tepee or tipi

What Hides used to make leather?

Buffalo Hides

What was Buffalo hides used for?

Buffalo hides are generally far too stiff and thick for making clothes, but ideal for moccasin soles. Tanned hides were sewn together to make tipi covers. Worn out tipi covers which had been made waterproof by constant exposure to smoke from the internal fire made excellent moccasin soles. Tanned hides were also used for bedding and winter robes, mittens, arrow quivers, gun cases and riding gear. Rawhide was used for making containers, headdresses, ropes, saddles, knife sheaths, quirts, belts, glue and rattles; the thickest part of a bull's hide (the neck and shoulders) was used as the basis for war shields.

How many buffalo hides passes through Dodge City between 1872 and 1876?

An estimated 1,500,000 buffalo hides were shipped from Dodge in the years 1872-1878.An estimated 850000 buffalo hides were shipped from Dodge City from 1872 to 1876 MsKnow2much says ; "There was 1,500,000 buffalo hides that were shipped from the Dodge City from 1872 to 1878"

What is buffalo hides?

it is when the hunters kill a buffalo which is sad, the furry part,you know the other side of it is buffalo leather

What do Tipis represent to the Sioux?

The Plains tribes used tanned buffalo hides for the walls of their tipis. They were attached to poles, usually selected from the lodgepole pine trees. The poles were set together and the hides were sewn together and then wrapped around the poles, leaving an opening at the top as a smoke hole. The opening for the door was normally covered in hide.